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Hjørring LIVE 4.0.1
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Hjørring LIVE er app'en til afvikling afspillet The GAME, som er en af hovedingredienserne i Danmarksfedeste studiestart HjørringLIVE i Hjørring by. Her vil op mod 140klasser fra Hjørrings Ungdoms- og videregående uddannelserkonkurrere mod hinanden om hovedpræmien: "Den store klassefest".The GAME går ud på, at klasserne sendes på en forudbestemt rutegennem byens fire farvezoner: rød, gul, grøn og blå. Her vil deskulle besøge ialt 8 GATES, med opgaver og udfordringer, der skalløses af klassen i fællesskab. Herved optjenes point via scanningaf qr-koder.App'en sikrer spillets flow. Et kort over Hjørring bymidtefungerer som "spillebræt" for The GAME, og man finder beskrivelserog placering af aktiviteterne rundt om i byen.Når spillet er afviklet vil byen stadig summe af aktivitet,fordi kommunens forenings-, kultur- og handelsliv har lagt sig iselen for at vise, hvad de kan og har af tilbud lige præcis for deunge. Der vil være koncerter, optrædender og underholdningoveralt.Hjørring LIVE is the appfor the settlement of the game The GAME, which is one of the mainingredients of Denmark's coolest study Hjørring Live in Hjørring.Here, up to 140 classes from Hjørrings Youth and Schools competeagainst each other for the grand prize: "The big class party".The GAME assumes that classes are sent on a predetermined routethrough the city's four color zones: red, yellow, green and blue.Here they will have to visit a total of 8 GATES, with tasks andchallenges that must be addressed by the class together. Thisearned points by scanning a qr-codes.The app ensures flow of the game. A map of Hjorring center actsas the "game board" for The GAME, and you will find descriptionsand location of activities around the city.Once the game has been completed, the city will still be buzzingwith activity as local association, cultural and commercial lifehas been trying to show what they can and have the deal exactly foryoung people. There will be concerts, performances andentertainment everywhere.
All My Things 1.0.1
Snapp ApS
The app All My Things can help you organize all your things
NC Nielsen AR 1.2.4
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With this app and the camera on your phone, you can scan an imagein a brochure, poster or banner from N.C. Nielsen and explore someof our numerous products. For example, video, images and 3-Ddrawings.
Waiteer 1.0.4
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Waiteer er appen, der vil gøre din oplevelseaf fx. sportsevents betydeligt sjovere og mere afslappende.Gennem Waiteer har du mulighed for fra din plads at bestille ogbetale mad og drikkevarer til afhentning i den nærmeste bars 'fasttrack' eller til levering direkte på din plads.Så nu kan du få hele kampen med uden afbrydelser.Waiteer is the app thatwill make your experience, for example. Sports considerably moreenjoyable and relaxing.Through Waiteer you can from your seat to order and pay for foodand drinks for pick up at the nearest bars 'fast track' or fordelivery directly at your place.So now you can get all match with no interruptions.
Life-boats 1.0.4
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Life-boats - a sailing sculptural installation in concrete
Find Hancock 1.1.1
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Find Hancock helps find our beer and soda - for you and others.
Flyndersø 1.0.2
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Explore the Natural Park Flyndersø Sønder Lem Vig
Networx 1.3.3
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Med Networx kan du nemt interagere med dit netværk. - Søgblandtnetværksmedlemmer. - Se kommende netvæeksbegivenheder. -Skriveller kommentere på spørgsmål og opslag via chat-forum. - Ogmegetmere... Download Networx og forbind til dit netværk idag!
Appetize 1.0.5
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The app that powers your reading experience!
WorkLet 1.2.1
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Reimbursement automation for approved treatments
Min bydel 2023.06.16
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The app that unites the district